Google Search Console Discover report

What is Google Discover?

Google Feed was previously known as Discover. It is an auto-populated newsfeed that displays all your interests. Discover automatically delivers the content it believes you will be interested in into your smartphone without you needing to search.

Discover content is based upon interactions with Google (i.e., Your search history and the topics you choose to follow, such as your favourite football team or blog.

Discover provides news stories, articles, stock prices, stock quotes, movie releases, videos, and information about events (such as festival line-ups). Google describes Discover as “a content hub that caters to all your interests”.


All content can be included in Discover results provided it meets two requirements:

  • Google has indexed the content (you can verify this by using the URL Inspection tool within Search Console or simply by searching for the page on Google).
  • This content is in compliance with Google’s news policies and content guidelines

What should I do with the Performance report for Discover?

The Performance report for Discover can be found under the Search results report on Google Search Console. It shows metrics related to Discover’s performance. You’ll see clicks and impressions for your property by default.

HOW TO USE: The Google Search Console Discover report? 

You can monitor your results. You can check out Google Discover’s performance report. This report displays impressions, clicks, and CTR (click-through rate) for all content you have published on Discover within the past 16 months. To see the results, you must have at least one page.

10 Tips to Get Traffic from Google Discover.

1. Mobile-friendly website

Mobile-responsive websites and content are essential. Make sure your content is easy to use on mobile devices. People will click on your content from their mobile devices when they see it in Google Discover. They may abandon you if the content isn’t useful or easy to understand.

2. Use of high-quality, unique images and videos

Include high-quality video and images whenever possible. Large images with detailed text descriptions make Discover content more attractive. Make it a point of including visually appealing graphics or photos in posts that are text-based.

3. Respect copyrights

4. Be consistent with your category

5. Publishing content on popular topics

6. Make quality content and create interesting content

Is your content engaging? Is your content timely? Is it timely? Your content won’t fly with Discover if you answer no to any of these questions. Share premium content that meets the needs of your audience and encourages engagement.

7. Digital agencies can help you

8. User experience and optimization of AMP

9. Trust builds

10. Your website should be crawlable

Your chances of being found in search results are greatly reduced if your pages are not crawled and indexed by Google.

Google should index your web pages to make them easy to search. This is a crucial step in order to be found on Google Discover.

How long does Discover traffic last?

Discover’s results are subject to change based on user interest or new content.

Google Discover is a powerful traffic driver for content creators.

Closing Statement:

Google Search and Google Discover are doing something similar: providing quality content that provides readers with a seamless experience to the topics they’re most interested in and the search terms they’re looking for. This gives you the opportunity to create a solid, informative experience for your target audience and build brand awareness.

Smart SEO strategies, in addition to allowing you to create compelling content with strong editorial judgment, can help you gain credibility among the Google algorithm. These strategies can increase your search ranking and improve your chances of landing on Google Discover.